
KEZIA is a multidisciplinary artist, photographer, and award-winning film director from New Zealand with over two decades of experience creating unique cinematic worlds. She travelled the world directing international commercials, filming for brands like HSBC, Mastercard, Cadbury Ponds etc., since 2004. Also directing short films, music videos, and with a penchant for filming dance her work has won numerous awards, accolades and been selected for festivals, exhibitions.

Now, with chronic illness, unable to be onset, she is exploring the world of AI, as KEZIAI. AI gives her a voice again offering relief, revelation and liberation. Passionate about concept, visual storytelling, and technology, KEZIAI is fascinated by the possibilities of AI in photography, art, filmmaking, animation, 3D, and interactive art. Forever inquisitive and learning, with a rich imagination and a wealth of experience, KEZIAI experiments from bed.

KEZIA’S art has been exhibited in galleries including Mecenate Fine Art Gallery during Rome Art Week ‘22 and Real Thoughts ‘23, as well as at The Black Box NFT art festival at the Lower Drawn Gallery during NFT NYC ‘23. She’s been featured in articles and spoken about her work and AI at “Future Slam” at The Auckland Museum.

KEZIAI holds a BFA in Intermedia (Time-Based Media) from Elam School of Fine Art, and has been documenting her daily life through a “Daily Photo” since 1997.

ETH fairytaledreams.eth

LUME Studios brings 'HOMAGE' to NYC to showcase Accelerate Art & Art Bees Gallery's tribute exhibition to Constantin Brancusi. Featuring 47 digital artworks made in conversation with Brancusi's legacy, curated by Claire Silver & NONE32X32.

Jun 16, 2023
LUME Studios
New York, USA

The act of homage—of creation, in conversation with the work of another artist—reminds us that art is a living thing. Even Pleistocene cave art and the megaliths of Stonehenge still inspire; it is only natural that some of the world’s most innovative digital artists have joined together to celebrate the work of Constantin Brancusi with their own original creations.

Organised by Art Bees in partnership with Accelerate Art and hosted by the Constantin Brancusi Center of the Craiova Museum, HOMAGE will feature works from forty-eight digital artists, taking inspiration from Brancusi’s work and life.

The curators for this exhibition were NONE32X32 and Claire Silver with NONE32X32 curating the 18 featured artists and Claire Silver, the 30 artists who responded to an Accelerate Art open call thread on Twitter.

Jun 01, 2023 - Jun 05, 2023
Constantin Brancusi Center of the Craiova Museum
Craiova, Romania